These are the horses we have had to say goodbye to, but not without ensuring that the last part of their lives was full of plenty of food and love.

We lost Michelada in October 2024 at the age of 30.

Orca was our 2nd oldest horse ever. We had to say goodbye to her in October 2024 at age 38.

Perry came to us after the sanctuary he was at closed in 2020. He enjoyed his last few years with us before he left us in 2023.

We lost Cassie (JC Callmewhatever) at age 28 in August 2024 after several years of happy retirement with us.

Chiquita was with us the longest time of any horse. She was with us most of the last 12 years and we had to say goodbye to her in January 2024. She was somewhere in her 30's.

We lost Kumba after a sudden illness suspected to be cancer in December 2023. She was 25 years old.

Miguela's legs sadly wore out long before her body would have and we had to say our goodbyes to her in December 2023.

Beau was a pony jumper who spent her last year with us, but unfortunately we could not keep her sound enough to be comfortable and we had to say goodbye in May 2023.

Violet enjoyed a long and happy retirement with us until we sadly had to say goodbye to her at age 29 in February 2023.