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$25.00 donation

$50.00 donation

$100.00 donation

$250.00 donation

$500.00 donation

Want to make a donation? Your timing is great -- hay is expensive and we really need the help!  Click a donate  button on your left for a one time donation OR if interested in monthly sponsorship, simply click below!











Use our Paypal links or mail checks to:  Polo Pony Rescue, 35715 80th St. E, Littlerock, CA 93543.  You can also use Venmo at @poloponyrescue or go directly to Paypal using email address  Zelle works too, at!


Find out if your employer matches donations or donates if you volunteer here:,-inc.-RN4bl


You can also go to our Amazon wish list and donate something that we need and use all the time, like supplements!


If you’re local to Los Angeles or Shelbyville, Kentucky and want to bring us a present, we can always use the following:


  • Alfalfa hay (#1 alfalfa)

  • Timothy pellets

  • Rice Bran – Natural Glo or Integrity or Max-E-Glo, the powdered kind

  • Probios

  • Redmond Daily Gold

  • Strongid C

  • Bute Less Solution

  • Electrolytes

  • Omega Horseshine

  • Psyllium


You can also order California Trace for us at!  


Want to visit and brush horses?  We love that too!  Just e-mail us to set up a time.


Do you shop at Ralph’s grocery stores and have a Ralph’s card? You can donate to PPR every time you shop without it costing you a penny. Here’s how:


1. Log on at – you may have to create an account if you don’t already have one.
2. After you’ve confirmed your account via email, log on and click on “my account”
3. Scroll all the way down to where it says COMMUNITY

4. Click on Kroger Community Rewards and follow the directions!




Polo Pony Rescue always welcomes volunteers in Littlerock, California, preferably with previous horse experience, 7 days a week at our facilities.  We particularly need volunteers who have time weekdays after work, but weekend volunteers are welcome too!  E-mail us to set up a time to visit and learn about volunteering!


Polo Pony Rescue, Inc. is registered as a charitable organization in California and registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3 charity, which means that your donations are tax-deductible.  Please consult your own accountant regarding any detailed questions about tax deductions.  Our board and management do not take any salary.  100% of your donations go toward board, vet, farrier, training, supplements, equine transportation, advertising and other expenses directly related to promoting the rescue and the horses available for adoption.





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